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Engine maintenance and rebuilding

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:59 pm
by Aripug
Hi to all
I live in Italy and zxr 400 is very rare to find....
I'm searching for spare parts and i'm worried about future ( my engine has 43000 km) because spare parts (used or new) are alwasy rare (quite impossibile to find something :( )
Do you have some advice to find some engine rebuilding kit in uk?
Thanks and sorry for my english

Re: Engine maintenance and rebuilding

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:04 pm
by banner001
The only kit you will find will be a gasket and seals kit. If you need piston rings, bearings you should be able to get them from a dealer depending on the age of the bike.

If done properly a full rebuild will cost you more than a used engine...but you can get the engine back to a very good condition, a lot better condition than a used engine.