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Two bleed nipples on the rear caliper...

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:13 pm
by banner001
...i can only get one (the one thats harder to get to, at the back of the caliper facing the rear tyre) to open to allow me to blead the rear, will this be a problem.

It was a horrible sludgy brown/cup of tea colour, flushed it fully with new castrol DOT4 and its a lot better now...but i was wondering if i need to do anything with the front? Its pretty locked down tight, might attack it tomorrow with a 10mm socket as opposed to my spanner...but if they do the same thing why have two of them?


Re: Two bleed nipples on the rear caliper...

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:51 am
by ZX4R-F3
Air pocket, hence nipple being at or as near to the highest point on the calliper.

Re: Two bleed nipples on the rear caliper...

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:09 pm
by Tirpitz
Do NOT attack it with a socket. If it won't undo easily then it is seized and you stand a very good chance of snapping it off, then you're f*cked. Never apply excessive force to any bolts on a Jap bike unless you enjoy sorting out sheared bolts. If they have seized you need to free them sympathetically.

You do need to bleed from both nipples as each one serves each piston. You need to apply heat - lots of it - to the caliper around the nipple. This may damage the paint - but if you snap the nipple off the caliper will be as good as scrap anyway. Then try again to undo the nipple. First off try getting the caliper hot with a hairdryer, that might just be enough to do it and shouldn't blister the paint. Or it doesn't work you're going to have to go hotter.

Re: Two bleed nipples on the rear caliper...

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:52 pm
by banner001
ill see if the wife will let me attack it with her hairdryer. might be able to get my storm lighter on it, not too bothered about the paint as most of it has (after 39000 miles) flaked off. the rear brake has improved dramatically since i changed the oil in it with the one bleed screw i could get to...dont know if its worth the hastle to try to free the seized one as the brakes are ok now, the back has some real bite to it now, there was no air in it when i bled it, just gunky oil.