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Two regulator rectifiers broken in 6 months?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:18 pm
by Smousley1995
Hi, about six months ago my regulator rectifier broke (didn't burn out or anything, just packed up). I swapped it for the spare I had from my last Zxr 400 and didn't have a problem with it until today when it burnt a hole the back of it and was possibly arcing to my frame because it was pretty burnt and smelly and left burnt residue on the frame where the hole was.

The one that just broke had done about 30,000 miles on my old bike.
Could it possibly be the bike that is causing them to break or just that they were old and broke of their own accord?

Also I fitted heated grips a few months ago and they are drawing more charge than could be put back in because they drain the battery over time and I have to recharge it overnight sometimes. Could the heated grips drawing extra charge have caused this one to blow?

And If anyone has one for sale please let me know :)

Re: Two regulator rectifiers broken in 6 months?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:18 am
by Mori Man
Dodgy wiring or duff battery , sounds like they are working overtime and burning out.

Easiest fix is remove heated grips and see if problem goes , just mind when fitting them you also disturbed wiring and might have chaffed a wire so check for damage too.

A new battery never does any harm ever :smt001