Top-shaggy wrote:Don't know if this will help (you may have already tried this...)
But air sometimes collects after the master cylinder in the pipe and you can't force it down the pipe to the calliper to bleed it properly. If you loosen the connector in between the pipe and the master cylinder and bleed the 'joint' it sometimes works.
Good luck
No joy with "Burping the banjo", have tried every method known to man except Mityvac or similar, budget allowed either a Mityvac or a new master piston with spring and cup etc, went for the piston, should've bought the Mityvac.
CaNsA wrote:
Put bike on sidestand and full right lock.
Bubbles will float to the highest point.
I'm currently going all old skool on it's ass with this method, tried it once already with no success, try try etc, might just require an amount of patience that frankly I ain't got.
Maybe I need to take it to a Kawasaki dealer, you know just to keep this thread relevant to its location
Does the low seat height reflect the low intelligence? Easier to get an asshole onto.