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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:43 pm
by Ballsout Racing
I will try to answer some of the issues.


I don’t know whether I’ve upset you, if I have, I’m sorry, it’s not my intention. It’s a problem with forum’s, you can’t tell peoples real emotions, even if smilies are used :roll: :wink:

The only issue I have is that you seem to claim that Dynotech engines go bang. Please don’t get upset, but I honestly believe that’s unfair. Furthermore, if Dynotech read your posts I think that they would be rather upset and may want to take it further, don’t you :?:

I have no issues with ANY tuners.

For the record, and I’ve already said it once, you’ve improved massively and gone extremely well this year, and a number of other people have also said so to me. As you say, the results show that. It’s no doubt a combination of you’re riding and you’re bike and I presume due to the help of Laurence.

I will help and give advice, WHEN I can help. The advice that I have already given is speak to ALL tuners as I did when I wanted to get a ZXR. Regardless of how good they all are at tuning ZXRs, I’m sure they all have their goods points and bad points. They can then make up their own mind. For me, the main thing is You need to be able to ‘get on’ with your tuner, and I would also suggest the closer they are to you the better, but the former is more important.

And, for the record, I have no doubt that Laurence is one of the excellent tuners. I have my reasons for not using him, YET, and it’s nothing to do with him or his tuning. (BTW, I did not speak to him before I got a ZXR because I was unaware of his existence).

In your post under username Guest, you ask how much it is to get an engine tuned by Dynotech. I have mentioned this to you in a PM a while ago after going through my receipts and I believe from memory that the figure I got to was approx £2,000. A couple of months ago I spoke to Dynotech about doing another engine from fresh(standard), ie, a full engine tune including parts and labour, it was just under the £2k mark. So, in comparison to the £2K charged that you mentioned for the Feisty bike that had already been tuned, I think it’s fair to say it’s pretty similar. And I believe that will be pretty much the case for all tuners give or take a little bit.

I also know you’re a big boy now :wink: , and need no favours. We are two different people and react in different ways. If someone feels that I’m doing something wrong, unfair or whatever, I would actually like them to do me a favour and to let me know, and know why. Whether I agree or not is another matter, but at least I’ll have the opportunity to think about it, correct it, or apologise, if I feel it’s necessary.

Anyway, there’s me occasionally getting a bit serious there.

If anyone wants advice about tuners and my experiences, then please PM me, I think it’s probably the best way. It will be unbiased. As you will have gathered I use Dynotech and I can tell you why.

Anyway, It’s good that you think it’s funny and makes you laugh after a bad day at work. I was thinking it didn’t really come across that way.

Good Luck at Brands Simon. Are you doing Lydden? I seem to recall you went particularly well there! I might come to spectate.


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:50 pm
by Highlander
:D eagerly awaits replies.... LOL....

ive blown two zxr400 engines, both where un-tuned, box standard... few performance upgrades, like dyno jets, race exahsut filter, plus, butr no modifications to the block, both times where becuase of dropping a valve.... now fingers crossed this new bloke will be better.... :)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:51 pm
by Highlander
ok i just read my own reply and the speeling is bad, and when I say new bloke I meant new block...... dam typos can get you in a pile of toad.... :oops:

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:39 pm
by sloweracing
I think the same as you but i just want to help people out and not see people paying over the odds ...end off you will not see any more post from me now as people can learn the way i did witch was paying way to much for a lot of things not just engine

I just want to help people like me trying to do well in racing but with a low budget i think as you say we are both passionate about who we use and on the race track i would still allways help you out regaurdless of post as i think at the race track its differenet

We are not going to Lydden as we tested with newera the other week
to try to win tyres for M.R.O.

Will be at Brands racing things are looking good at the moment for next year as well

Dont think i have written what im thinking but it beats being in the gravel

See you soon Ballsout you wont hurt my feelings even tracey says i aint got none there :) :) :) :)

Highlander you make me laugh but ive had a good day today given some tyres to a young lad with no money only done 34 laps and sold some conrods cheap as well no more good deeeds for today

I only went well at Lydden because every other person fell in front off me :lol: :lol:
see there are the smilies again must stop :idea:

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:06 pm
by Ballsout Racing

Don’t stop your posting.

I’ve said what my one issue is, and I’m not going to repeat it.

We both want the same thing, and that is to help people that ask or want it. It’s just that we may go about it differently. There is no right or wrong, it’s just our opinion. I’ve said it before, people need to do their own research, they shouldn’t rely on what one person says, or either of us. They need to search out and evaluate all advice and ultimately make their own decision.

Imagine if they took one persons advice, acted on it and it all went wrong. Who would they blame.

I hope you do continue posting. I’ll continue to post positive things about ALL tuners.

I will also help you and anyone that needs it, both on and away from the track.

There, all kissed and made up. :oops: . :wink: . :D

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:16 pm
by Guest
so wot bhp are u runing ballsout ? wot bhp can dynotech get out off zxr for £2000 ? :D

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:34 pm
by Ballsout Racing
They say about 77bhp now. Mines about 75bhp.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:45 pm
by Guest
Thanks 'ballsout' and 'slowracing' for the 'sortov' advice :? I appreciate
that you are both loyal to your tuners. Dynotec have been reknown for zxr
tuning for a few years now and must build good engines as i believe there
fame came initially from endurance racing :?: But i was at cadwell a few weeks ago watching the MRO Tour and was quite disapointed to see Richard Norris well down the field on a trick Dynotec bike(I believe he is a
good rider?) There were faster zxr's out there. I am aware 'ballsout' that
you are an accomplished rider looking back in the bemsee/mro arcives so
your advice is backed by your results. As for 'hodgeson engines' i havent
heard of them before i came on this forum and 'slowracing' (Simon Lowe
:?) his results dont do anything to inspire confidence in there knowledge
of zxr's :? 3 engines you say :? Looking back at your lap times 'ballsout'
you are much faster than 'slowracing' (Cadwell) I live near Nuneaton so
maybe i should contact Anthony Haywood i think he is A.Sprakes tuner :?: I hope this hasnt offended anyone its just my observations being the boffin i am for stats. Thanks again lads.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:59 pm
by masterofinsanity
put my 2 pence worth in, you're knowledge is very much appreciated on this forum, i know nothing about racing and don't intend to take it up but i really do appreciate the advice that you are giving to other members of this forum, everyone has an opinion, you get it when you are born, my 10 month old daughter has an opinion but hey i can't change that!! please don't stop posting as you are helping people, i can see that from the posts and its great to see you are helping newcomers to the sport such as highlander, you're entitled to express your opinions but lets not fall out!
thanks all for your inputs :D

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:53 am
by Ballsout Racing
Guest, by the way who are you?

I hope Rich (Norris) won’t mind me saying, but it’s not his bike letting him down. He has actually now retired and sold his bikes.
There may appear to be faster bikes out there but until this year I believe that they were fairly similar, it was the rider making the difference. Rumour has it that James Wainright managed to find some +1mm pistons, (which I understood were not made for the ZXR), and is considerably more powerful in the midrange, and maybe up to a couple bhp at top end. The bemsee rules were changed for 2005 to allow a 2% margin to bore repair, thus allowing something like up to +1.14mm bigger bore.

Generally I think that you will find the current crop of MRO front runners are young and very talented and all on the best bikes.

You are correct in saying that Anthony Haywood does Andy Sprakes engine and I know that it was one of the most powerful (mid range) ones last year. But he’s been racing for 20 odd years and I may be wrong, but has won British championships in the past, so it’s not just down to the bike.

You are right about Dynotech and that is just one of the reasons why I initially chose them. I understand that there are a lot of people who travel a long way to use them and I think that speaks for itself. As long as they continue to give me what I believe to be an unrivalled service then I will continue to use them. If you would like to know what they’ve personally done for me then please PM me. Incidentally, the endurance bike that you mentioned is in fact my race bike.

I hope Simon will be back to comment, and I hope that he won’t mind me saying, but in fairness he has improved massively this year compared to last. His lap times have been right up there and has had some excellent results. This years results can be found on

Oh, BTW, he’s kept quiet about this for some reason, but I found out last night that he recently won a race at the Brands New Era meeting.

As for Hodgson engineering (Simon, please correct me if I’m wrong). I understand he has been tuning cars all his life and is a very accomplished engineer. He has more recently started on bikes and I think in particular the ZXR400. I understand the engines he has done are very good and produce power similar to everyone else’s. Also from an independent source, I was told ‘he is an extremely clever bloke and knows what he’s talking about’.

But, irrespective of all that, the fact that you are up near Cadwell, Anthony Hayward is the nearest to you and I would have no hesitation in using him, and would have if he was closest to me. Incidentally, do you know Anthonys history?

Good Luck with it and keep us informed of your progress.


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:38 pm
by Guest
'He has won a race at brands hatch' 'One swallow doesnt make a

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:15 pm
by richie400ss
depends what you are running in whether power matters that much and dynos all tell very differeent stories.

my bike is one of the faster (not fastest) in our club, and on the dyno it only makes 65bhp, albeit with a very healthy midrange (well 8500 onwards). noone can outdrag me.

shame i'm sh1t on the brakes and slow round corners.

i reckon at club level you can get good finishes with a near standard bike if you're good enough, which i'm not.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:47 pm
by Bikerz
lol. nothing like a bit of honestly. most 400cc racer say just spend ur cash on surpensoin and brakes and track time then if realy flush go mad on tuning :smt003

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:30 pm
by sloweracing
No comment on all above as Ballsout said i would agree

But you can race against me any time i think you will find it very hard the lap times me and Ballsout dont really tell you what kind of weekend we have my bike was quicker than Richard Norris bike and in a straight line and mine is only 76bhp a year ago.

I have been in the top three but run off the track see website (gallery)
took the long way around Ballsout at snett went back 17th then ended back near them again my bike is coming together now and its not engine power its not braking so much

But to comment on two riders is wrong i would not ever knock another rider i have and can beat Ballsout easy but do you no why doesnt help when you have missed all season like he did and now hes lap times are coming back down the riders we are racing agaisnt are very good i would like to see you race with David Twyford and would think Ballsout would woop you with even missing all year.

Its what happens on the day is 3rd at brands for 6 laps then some one else made a mistake nearlly taken me out (Barry Chapman) then i had to miss him which let the other person come buy

Your tuning will give you a good engine but the rest is up to you

Come join us next year then you can judge us as riders
GOOD LUCK think you will need it

The race track is a funny place for results but then we do ride with the best riders in the country

If Lawerence was good enough for Aryton Senna then thats good enough for me :smt014

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:31 pm
by Guest
That was 3 zxr 400 engines not including his own i know he has been sending a few engines up north but all Hondas he does a lot of head work for other tuners as well

As for Anthony H i have used him this year as well and he was sorting things out with Lawerence but not engine work

A bit of respect would be nice in spelling names wouldnt hurt
As for your swallow post who you are then i will join your club and come racing at your own track i allways need a fresh challenge gets me quicker for when i race with Bemsee the ones i need to beat

I actually thought you lap times werent bad for a standard engine as mine were just as close Cadwell i rode with twisted forks if you really want to know and my rear wheel was 10 mm out as steve Jordan ajusted that for me

But 1 sec a lap slower than james Wainwright at brands g.p. aint bad i actually knocked 7 seconds of my old lap time just bad luck again

Do you race or are you trying to start i will be at brands in october come and find us :smt006

I like the new SMILIES :smt005 :smt019