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okay im starting to crap myself

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:54 am
by Highlander
1 week to practice then two days of racing...... im nervous, not sure how hard to go out fro mthe start as never done it before, cant see how im going to get enough heat into brakes and tyres in one slow warm up lap, and I dont want to crash at the first corner, but I also dont plan taking it easy, bike currently isn't running very well after a dyno kit been put in, but aftre the sponser measures up his stickers tommorow, the bikes going into YPE for tuning.......

anything ive forgotton, Ah, anyone know where I can get a novice bib... I bought one of thoase triaing bibs of ebay for £2. but its eh, bright orange....LOL.......

I cant wait..... Even if I come last out of 32 riders, i dont care, its all an experince..... but form what people are saying, unless im riding with my arms tied behoine my back or have a DNF I aint going to come last... but that doesn't help how nervous I will be getting towards it, just want to be out there doing it..... :) :) :)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:37 pm
by RedexRobB
Bloody hell, best of luck to ya mate! I expect once your on that start line nerves will go and adrenaline takes over! Just enjoy yaself i guess :D

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:06 pm
by richie400ss
don't worry mate. It's just like you say. There's always someone you can beat.

I just started in March and was exactly the same as you - pooing myself.

Just take your time (don't take that too literally - it is racing after all :smt001 ) until you get your confidence.

Starts are the best bit. It's the closest i ever get to the front!

9k-10k revs, slip the clutch, foot on the back brake. when the lights goes out, whack the throttle open, come off the brake at the same time, and gradually let the clutch all the way out.

I practised that in the garage (engine not running obviously) until it was second nature) seems to work for me. In other words I don't get left on the grid.

One more tip

Don't use third gear off the grid. It made me look really stupid.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:26 pm
by Imsimon
you lucky bugger mate! its my dream to go club racing but cus of STUPID house prices where i live it aint gonna happen for years! The best of luck to you im sure you will LOVE it!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:40 pm
by Highlander
thanks guys... man its like a mission, i have a team around me... luckily all family.. my bro does the PR and sponsorship ( which I need to thank him for, as hes already landed me one good one ), my good lays does all the logistics, gets the gear in order, had my porridge ready, makes sure I know what time it is, old man does the mechanices, or when hes down this way, right now Im doing all that myself, its a buzz and Ive not even hit the track yet..... my view, feck it, im going out there and going for it.... im not one to hold back...... my aim, do these four races and then copete in the scottish 400 sports production and formual 400 series next year............... So a week taoday i'll be trying to find a setup as I just changed all the gearing, rear suspension and running more BHp... so Fridays testing is going to be interesting..... :) will let you all know how I get on... fingers crossed, a week monday ' , i'll have four signuturs on my license... :) :) :smt020

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:42 pm
by Highlander
if you want to hear the bike flyby on knockhill main straight, click on my web site ad turn your volume up... :):)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:28 pm
by richie400ss
might see yo uat east fortune then, asa i race with nemcrc and we r going there again next year. i also did one round with the melville club in june.

great little track

there's some good guys up there. Rab Davie, Murray Strathdee and Simon Glennie spring to mind. All3 have helped me out in one way or another. But there again they would cos im no threat to them! :smt003

good luck

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:17 pm
by Guest
Good Luck :smt004

Go for it, be smooth and with a sensible head, you don't want to waste the weekend by crashing first time out. The nerves will go and you'll wonder what the nerves were all about :smt001

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:28 pm
by sloweracing
Good luck and just hace fun the rest will come

Top tip park nr toilets it will help the run time between races your be in and out before the race so many times

We should take bets on how many visits he makes before the race

6 trips is my guess

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:54 am
by Guest
hey hows it going... not been on for ages... anyway the weekend went great... it was a bit daunting on the Saturday, but then again it was my frist time... after that I was fine and knocked half a second of my time.. but we did struggle to find a setup at one point we where running three seconds of my best, then on the Sunday race it came togethor and I set my fastest lap but still not really pushing it, i was been held up and every time I went ot overtake the guy in front at my quick sections, there was a bloddy yellow flag, so with two laps to go i finally took him, then immediatly set my faster lap, in fact at the finish my fastest lap was half a second quicker than the three guys who finished in front of me, i came in about 1.5 seconds behind them... not enough laps... i need to now get more aggressive and nail it out of the blocks and get ahead of them at the first corner....

anyway, new website is slowly getting there and you can if you want keep track of my progress for next year...

The bike is going in to get a mercury full race system, engine check and tune to as close to 69bhp as possible, race reasets going on here and if money can push, a set of dymag wheels. im also chaning the front pads from hh's to carbpone lorraines... so hopefully after all that, i want to be getting in the points next year.... :) :)

cant wait... ::::)))) :smt020

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:55 am
by Highlander
was moi :smt017