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Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:29 pm
by Jamz
Some people don't have cards. :smt002

I'll say again - where are you supposed to put your helmet while you fill the tank up?

I don't think on the top of a petrol pump is advisable either from the H&S standpoint of the service station, or the 'clean and secure loaction' angle.

If I'm wearing a tinted visor, I flip it up before I go in to pay. Cause I'm respectful like that. :smt002

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:20 pm
by Northern ANdy
I take my lid off, because If I don't then I might aswell be a muslim flouting the way of england by wearing all the body wrap to school and work and claiming multicultural.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:28 pm
by deviant
Northern ANdy wrote:I take my lid off, because If I don't then I might aswell be a muslim flouting the way of england by wearing all the body wrap to school and work and claiming multicultural.
I'm trying to think of a response that doesn't just involve calling you a tw@t. but I can't be bothered.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:04 pm
by Northern ANdy
call me a tw@t then

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:10 pm
by Scott221
deviant wrote:I'm trying to think of a response that doesn't just involve calling you a tw@t. but I can't be bothered.

Don't you live in England? Where the main language is now either polish or arabic and you can't call a black board a black board.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:35 pm
by deviant
Scott221 wrote:
deviant wrote:I'm trying to think of a response that doesn't just involve calling you a tw@t. but I can't be bothered.

Don't you live in England? Where the main language is now either polish or arabic and you can't call a black board a black board.
I live in England. Where the main language is...English. Where the guy who threatened to beat me up for a pizza was...white. Where the pissed up fuckwits who threw beer cans at my wife were...white. Where the people who mugged one of my work colleagues were....white. Where I apparently can't go anywhere without encountering petty racism from (white) people. And all this has come out of a thread complaining how motorcyclists are supposedly discriminated against as a minority group.

Grow up and stop taking everything the Daily Mail tells you as gospel.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:20 am
by Northern ANdy
hang on a minute there, no body is being racist at all here. I have no prejudice against any other race. However it makes me smart when people from other countries are changing the form of britain. In my book if you go to another country you damn well accept that it is their country, and you are essentially the intruder. You ought to conform to how they do things, perhaps practicing your own ways of doing things in the background.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:58 am
by RedexRobB
I agree with Andy on that note and its not a racist view at all. Try half of england moving into another country and you can bet your life they wont be rushing to put up english signs so we know whats what. These days everyone wants a slice of britain because of its wealth and strength, theres alot of advantages for people from other countries to move here and thats all they see. I dont mind people moving here from other places, i think it makes for quite an interesting population and a bit of cultural diversity is great, just so long as they pay thier way, work for what they have got and dont start any trouble. If they arent happy with what Britain has to offer, then go back to wherever it is that they came from.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:15 pm
by Northern ANdy
here here RobB.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:12 pm
by Jamz
Sgt. D said it best:

"I'm not racist - I hate everyone equally."


Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:59 pm
by superman
i aint got a problem with takin my helmet off if i ever got asked but i aint been asked yet so i aint took it off. the only time i have took it off is if iv stopped off during a long ride an i wana let my head stretch :smt003
As for the race thing. round by me everyones ok fairly good mixed community only ppl i dont like are the odd black who thinks i owe em a living, the bums who stop at home doin drugs an generally scrounging off the state. or the asians who cant speak english yet no exactly what benefits they can claim..... in a nutshel our government is an ass the very fail safe system that is there to protect us, a minority of ppl are abusin it.. no good really. an that applies to any race i think if you dont ever put into the pot you shouldnt get a dam thing back out.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:30 am
by Caz
jeeze - people do like a winge dont they?

on the subject of removing lids
the majority of bikes have a hook under the pillion seat for the sole purpose of storing a helmet - if you dont want to put your lid down anywhere, use that! if you've removed your pillion seat in favour of a single seat unit then youve lost your right to complain IMO.

removing your helmet before goign in to pay - As I've said before, surely basic etiquette dicates that you do that? Surely you dont wear hats indoors? why should a bike helmet be considered any different? And before people start comparing helmets with full facial religious headscarves.... REMEMBER; different rules apply for women.

can we please leave race discussions out of this thread - this forum is not the time nor the place for it. I've been a little offended by some of it, and I dont fall into a minority group!
I grew up in a very multicultural environment, it has helped me to gain a much wider understanding of things.

There are always going to be people who abuse the system, it doesnt matter if they are white/black/asian/male/female/young/old. Take your prejudices elsewhere and lets keep this as a bike forum

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:39 am
by RedexRobB
This thread has gone off on a tangent somewhat hasnt it!?

Apologies Caz if its anything ive said that might offend you. For reasons ive already mentioned I am fine with people moving here from other places.

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:22 am
by Caz
Robb - thanks for the apology, but dont worry - its nothing youve said :) It's been the whole tone of the thread really, compounded by the fact that this isnt the place for it!

I think it gets to me more than most because of where I grew up and the way I choose to live my life.

went to school in innercity birmingham - a good 50% of my school friends fall into minority groups. And yes, some of them do choose to cover their heads/faces - but it really doesnt bother me. They pay their taxes and contribute to society. And lets face it, is it really that different to wearing a baseball cap or a hoodie? (please, dont open that can of worms :P)

I think a tangent is a bit of an understatement LOL. I'm ranting too now - sorry :)

lets get this thread back on topic!

Re: Discriminatory Petrol 'Offers'

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:40 pm
by Zedder
I was reading this thread with great interest, wondering what I was gonna say about only filling up with 10 litres at the pump or the lid on/lid off when paying debate. Then the following lines above made swear out loud.
Northern ANdy wrote:In my book if you go to another country you damn well accept that it is their country, and you are essentially the intruder. You ought to conform to how they do things, perhaps practicing your own ways of doing things in the background.
......what, like the English do every summer when they migrate to Spain? Don't make me laugh. I am Northern Irish and once lived and worked in France. I had to speak French. When I went into a pub (a decent French pub mind you, none of that sh!tty Irish themed rubbish), a restaurant, the hairdressers, the butchers etc etc, I spoke French. How many English do you see actively speaking Spanish or French or Italian when on holiday? :smt017 "Few" would be my answer at best.

So don't give me all that "when in another country, do as they do" crap. It doesn't wash.

And I know there is a difference between living in a country full time and relaxing on their beach for 2 weeks. The principle is the same.

Sorry, I kept the tangent going there for a bit. Back to the 2p off debate. I don't see anything wrong with it.