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Sat Here Crying My Eyes Out!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:32 pm
by Jamz
Sat Here Crying My Eyes Out!!!

Tears are streaming down my face - and to make it worse I'm at work!!!

How embarrassing?!

Then again, even riding my bike lately the tears have been blurring my vision...

No, nobody has been shitting in my porridge, and I'm not having to give my landlady sexual pleasures like the bloke in 'Kingpin' - it's Hayfever!

I can't really say that I 'suffer' with it - just a few sneezes and itchy, watery eyes. Also, it seems to be completely random as to whether I get it one year or not. More often than not, it doesn't affect me in the slightest, but this year it is.

Personally, I think this may well be God getting back at me.

You see, when I was at school, I would often fake hayfever so that I didn't have to do certain P.E. activities on the school field - like cross-country running. I -ing hated that!

The problem with it not being all that severe, is do I get some tablets for it or not?

I don't like taking medication for anything if I can possibly avoid it, and a lot of the hayfever tablets seem to make you drowsy. I rely on keeping myself entertained at work to make my job standable at the best of times, but I think that perhaps riding a sportsbike in a 'drowsy' state could also be a Bad Idea.

Plus the cost!!!

Piriton is about £400 per tablet, and even the cheap packs are neary a quid!!! For SEVEN -ing tablets!!! Rip. Off.

I actually caved today and bought some non-drowsy tabs, so we'll see how that goes...

And what is it about tablets? These things are tiny - about the size of a small airgun pellet, or a decent blob of ear wax. Teeny-tiny itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny shrivelled little short dick man - no wait! That was a song! Where was I? Oh yes...

But even these tablets, you put them in your mouth and CAN NOT SWALLOW IT!!!

You give up and reach for the water to swill it down, and wonder why the hell you can't swallow it without the aid of something to drink?!

I mean, a few hours before, I was chomping off huge chunks of dry, spiky bagguette. No problem. Biting off chunks bigger than my head and down the hatch they go. No water, no fuss.

So how the hell can I then struggle to swallow a tablet that was about 50 times smaller than each and every mouthful of bagguette???

Someone has also said that eating locally made honey could help. I can see the sense in this, as the same antihistamines are in the honey as the ones bringing on the hayfever, so the body can build up a resistance to it. But which 'local' honey do I get?

The one local to my work or the one local to my house?

I haven't touched honey for years, and now I can see myself ending up looking like the -ing Honey Monster!


Good excuse to eat honey again though!

Is anyone else suffering this year???

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:37 pm
by masterofinsanity

tears are strolling down my face with laughter!!!!!!!!

Jamz get yourself to Holland & Barrett they do some good herbal tablets that taste like sh*t but they are good (although you can't swallow them either)

our local one stop do hayfever tablets for £1.50 a box

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:41 pm
by deviant
yep. suffering like anything. bit better today cos it's pissing it down here.

tablets seem to help a bit. never buy the brand name ones, they are a rip off - there will always be an own brand one with exactly the same active ingredient.

i have had both asthma and eczema as well since i was a kid, so combined with hayfever it means for about a month in the summer i can't breathe, and when the hayfever makes me rub my eyes it dries my skin out and makes them itch even more.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:51 pm
by superman
I only suffer now and then and the pollen levels need to be high for me to get it, but the reason im postin is because im sure i heard on the radio a couple of days ago they now have a cure for hay fever but the NHS wont administrate it cos its to expensive or somethin. :smt017

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:33 pm
by Caz
I know exactly how you feel, my eyes are itching like hell! although, Im not nearly as bad this year as I was last year! I was constantly sneezing, tears streaming down my face and puffy bloodshot eyes - lurvely!

tried locally produced honey (go to a farmers market for this), I tried this earlier in the year(and gave up because I dont like honey very much). But I know someone who this has worked for

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:24 pm
by Jamz
The tablets I bought didn't seem to do much at all - it certainly wasn't total relief.

I might try the hippie- err, I mean Holland & Barrett!

I'd go to the Docs for a prescription, but I'm convinced for my £6.85 he's going to prescribe me something I could have bought over the counter for 95p! :smt013

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:54 pm
by deviant
my fiancee went to the doctors the other day because the over the counter stuff doesn't seem to help her, and got prescribed about a months worth.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:07 pm
by Caz
I get a prescription from the docs - better than what you get over the counter but still not great. You do get a months worth for your £7 (or whatever it costs)

Re: Sat Here Crying My Eyes Out!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:44 am
by Ropey
There's an injection you can get of your local GP here in Ireland, you get a jab about a month a month before sneezing season begins and you should be sorted. A bloke I know who suffers from every allergic ailment know to man took it last year and saved a fortune on snot rags! might be one to look ouy for next year.

Re: Sat Here Crying My Eyes Out!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:29 am
by Jamz
Not sure that's available here...

The tablets were stopping the symptoms for most of the day, but not completely, so after a week of them I've bought a nasal spray, and I'll see how that goes!

Sex produces natural anti-histamines which are great to fight allergies. I shall be telling this to every woman I meet. :smt002

Re: Sat Here Crying My Eyes Out!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:32 am
by rene
Jamz wrote: Sex produces natural anti-histamines which are great to fight allergies. I shall be telling this to every woman I meet. :smt002
i think you'll have more sucess curing your Hayfever by puting flowers up your nose :smt016