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big mistake

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:26 pm
by Casey708
Hi guys,

After riding in all this crap weather it is impossible to get all the rubbish off certain parts of the bike by hand. I brought it home this weekend especially to jet wash it off and give it a good clean but all I managed to do was f*#k it up. I accidentally sprayed my radiator and saw a flash of silver, I thought ooh that looks better. However, after spraying it more I realised I was damaging the blooming thing. I thought this was ok because the rad on my motocross bike is as hard as nails and didnt really think this would be any different. So I now have a partially mullered radiator and the oil cooler below isnt as bad but has taken a hit. I couldnt believe my bad luck as it also began to snow! :smt013 The majority of the fins are fine but there are alot that are damaged. How bad is this? Ideally I want to replace it but money is an issue because they are quite expensive, unless someone has one they are getting rid of? :smt003 I apologise for making such a stupid mistake! :smt009

Re: big mistake

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:36 pm
by lewisdale
i wouldnt worry too much mate, i doubt it making any real difference, as you say ther cooling fins, so as long as youre temp guage stays as it normally does then theres nothin to worry about

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:55 am
by masterofinsanity
the cooling fins are there to dissipate the heat more efficiently, just means the rad wont work as well.
On this subject i need to clean mine, whats the best way?

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:17 am
by Davw
The bad news on this is that because the fins are so fine they dont react well to anything other than gentle cleaning. Blasting them will cause them to break off and in the worst case scenario "compact" into the radiator reducing the airflow over that section to effectively nil. They are much more sensitive to damage than normal fins and I couldnt find a radiator "Comb" which would do the job - largely because my fins were so damaged in the first place

I had a really shitty rad to clean up (compacted road grime/ mud etc etc) and found the only really effectiove way was to soak it to soften the crud and then to use a soft brush to work awaay at it slowly cleaning it and restoring airflow. My oil cooler was even worse and in that case I had to resort to a small wooden kebab screwer!!!(toothpic would have worked) to work the worst crud loose to even get the rest of it softened up - the reality is it couldnt be returned to its original state but the airflow can be resotred.

I had the benefit of having both off the bike which significantly simplified the cleaning although it all depends on how engrained the road grime is I guess

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:48 am
by masterofinsanity
nice one i'll dunk myine in a bath when i get in lunchtime so it'll be ready when i get home tonight.

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:24 pm
by cargo
one word guys..............................


Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:50 pm
by Davw
Great idea - that would work really well.

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:24 pm
by cargo
Do NOT use dishwasher powder or tablets......................I sispect it won't do the ally any favours.
Just bung it in on the longest hotest setting without any powder or tabs and the muck should t least be softend.

I've also used an air line to blow rads through but you can bend the fins over if you get too close with it

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:58 pm
by lewisdale
bet ur missus loves that pmsl

Re: big mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:21 pm
by rmkd177
A good soak in Cilit Bang! in some real hot water...or alloy wheel cleaner.

Re: big mistake

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:11 pm
by saka_ZXR
I tell u what mate i'd have made the same mistake as i always jetwash my crossers rad ad never had a problem with it, i am so glad i read this thread before i had the chance to wreak havoc on my ZXR!

Dishwasher it is then :)

Re: big mistake

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:32 pm
by hciR
I remember seeing someone getting their rad 're-finned' but can't remember who or where. Depending on how much it costs, it might be worth it seeing as the ZXR's seem to be prone to head gasgets going.