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What to do.....

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:17 pm
by Jeppo
Basically I had a pretty epic lowslide about a month ago which destroyed the nosecone and the right hand lower. (not to mention my leathers and helmet!! Worth every bloody penny!!! lol)
I've managed to source both parts pretty cheap (thanks to a member on here for the nosecone).
I've sprayed them both gloss black with standard halfords tin cans and i'm pretty happy with the results, not factory like but better than i was expecting after my last attempt on a dropped bike :smt002
The rest of the bike is black and grey (I don't own a camera so can't show any pictures).

Now my thoughts are...Could i take the panels i've sprayed to a pro and ask him to laquer them properly? Or will that not really make much difference? (i couldn't afford a proper spray job)


Have decals made up to match them to the rest of the bike....


Go all out respray the whole thing with a black and gold theme which i think would look pretty cool....(I would have the wheels powdercoated gold)

I'm kind of loathed to spray panels that aren't damaged at all (the rear panels and tank) I know this is a personal choice that i will eventually have to make, but i would appreciate any input...

Re: What to do.....

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:49 pm
by lewisdale
respray the whole thing mate, at least it will all match then other wise the bits youve painted will stand out like a sore thumb, thats what i have and would do