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ACU License

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:53 pm
by raceyunky
I am 19, have ridden on a 125cc bike for the past year, did some beach racing on a YZ250 last winter, wanting to do some track days but I don't have a full bike license.
I'm not really wanting to do the whole bike test for the road thing, so how can I get my ACU without needing a full road license??

Re: ACU License

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:09 pm
by Deswilkie

First step is join your local club. From there they'll stick you on a training day and on completion give you the form to send off to the ACU.

Training day is really just an intro to the flags, race format, what the scrutineers will be looking for etc. Then a couple of controlled speed practice laps.
