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DIY Ignition Advancing

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:17 pm
by RedexRobB
A number of people have asked this, so to save him and Rover repeating it, its now here. A post to which Zimm should take all credit!
Zimm wrote:well, after posting here i thought it'd be daft not to try it ..

so i did..

removed the pickup from the bike, put it in a vice, removed the lips off the back with a file, then elongated the holes by about 1.5mm with a small needle file.. then popped it back in sliding it towards the front of the bike compared to its standard position..

then hit the starter ..

idle speed had increased by about 200rpm, so tweaked that down and blipped the throttle ... feels WAY more responsive.. havent had a chance to ride it though as the heavens opened about 5 minutes after i finished the bike .. so am going to the pub.

all in, i reckon its about 2-3 degree's more static advance than stock. Didnt want to go too far before i'd had a look to see if i had any spare pickups.

I'd recommend loctiting the mounting bolts if you do this mod as you dont want it slipping about.

Re: DIY Ignition Advancing

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:50 pm
by zimm
after re-reading the race kit manual, which states that the kit rotor has 6 degree's more advance than the stock rotor .. i thought .. sod it..

and attacked the pickup with the drill again ..

went as far as i could go and still get the bolts in .. infact .. i then went a bit further and swapped them for stainless allen bolts.

better :)

did the ZX-4 too, better.. :)


this is on an H, and reading the H race-kit manual, what the baseline settings are for an L i havent the foggiest, i know the race-kit rotor is probably designed for use with the SP cdi.. which has a different curve again .. but, it only differs in a few places (midrange) and from what i could work out has the same base line and will work with either the stock or +6' rotor ..

If you try this and your engine melts from detonation, its not my fault ok ?