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It's Not My Fault - I was Drunk!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:48 pm
by Jamz
Most of you will have seen this story now, but for those who haven't:

Fury As Student Urinates On War Memorial


Or for those who can't be arsed to read, basically some student got pished out of his head on an organised night out, fell asleep in the street in front of a shop, then woke up, went over to the local war memorial and urinated all over the poppies and wreaths and stuff.

Lots of people are calling for his head to be stamped on in front of the Queen, whilst others are of the 'He was just pissed!' opnion.

OK, so it's shockingly disrespectful, but no REAL harm was done. He just pissed on a bit of stone with flowers on.

What??? Hang on, hang on - hear me out!

Now you know I'm a fan of Draconian punishment. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. I HATE how our 'justice' system lets people off so lightly if they're obviously bad or dangerous, and yet otherwise good people get utterly fecked for driving too fast on a safe and clear road.

This fucking idiot deserves to be punished, but I think if he is then they will just make an example of him because he's got the Old Codgers up in arms. He deserves punishment for that - but this is hardly the sort of case where I would recommend death or lopping body parts off the offender.

No, I think he should be punished because I hate hearing this bullshit excuse that someone was drunk.

I couldn't give a kipper's dick if someone was drunk, whether they knew what they were doing or not! The simple fact is that if someone is drunk to the point that they piss on a memorial, or, more seriously - they kill someone, then they are a liability.

If anyone gets drunk and then wants to hit or fight people then the fuckers are a mortal threat to people like me who just want to enjoy life. You can't blame the alcohol unless you're going to ban these people from ever touching alcohol again. If you can't gaurantee me that they won't drink again ever, then lock them away from me or smack them over the head with a shovel and bury them.

We should never have to live with the threat of people who do stuff like this, and THAT is why I think the 'drunk student' should get serious charges against him.

Being drunk should NEVER be any kind of defence or excuse. Nor should any other drug.

And before you ask: Yes, I have done stupid things when I'm drunk. Even through my pissed-up haze I knew what I was doing and whether it was right or wrong and I still made that choice to do it.

Should this kid have his whole life ruined just for getting drunk and doing something so stupid?

Yes, he probably should. And that's his tough toad.

But it could have been far worse, and that's exactly why.

Whatever happens (and I don't think he should do jail time when so many violent criminals don't), he's almost certainly going to have his teeth kicked down his throat at some point in the future. And I'm afraid he deserves it.

Re: It's Not My Fault - I was Drunk!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:38 pm
by RedexRobB
Totally right, drinking isnt an excuse. If you cant drink responsibly then you shouldnt drink at all.

Re: It's Not My Fault - I was Drunk!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:02 pm
by diesel
fucking wanker should be sent to the front fucking lines. even when im slaughtered i would never do something so despicable. makes my blood boil. had a mate blown up in afghanistan and to see this fucking oik doing that to the memory of fallen soldiers who died for cunts like him, fucking makes me wanna hunt him down and beat the f*** into him. wanker.