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Re: MillaMeter's Mk2 Rebuild

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:51 am
by gavinfdavies
don't see what so special about all this. My bike looks exactly the same!

If you were to wipe off the salt, mud, cow shite, etc that is! :pmsl oh, and dead flies. My layer of dead flies protects my bike from stone chips. That's my story and i'm sticking to it.

Nice job there mate, i'm jealous. all my work is down in my flat's cark park. normally in the rain. Whilst being crapped on by birds. Can't wait to have a garage and be able to have some where to work. That said, i'd never dare strip my bike. 1) i'd loose bolts. normally into a cylinder and 2) as soon as i strip one, the other would stop working, and then i'd have to get a bus shocking

well done. wanna swap...?