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Scott-oiler for £6?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:48 pm
by carsounds_dan
hi all, just thought i'd give you a quick run through of how to make your own scottoiler for £6.
I did mine on wednesday as we had the day off college, and took me about 45 minutes, with lots of tinkering etc to work out the best way to run it.
You will need:
2-3m of 6mm airline (i got 4m, so i can adapt my system in future) £0.50 per metre
2x airline valves £1 each
3in1 oil (optional)
extension from an aerosol can
silicon sealant

Basically, run a length of 6mm of airline from the end of your swinging arm (leave about 18" of slack at the end) up toward the pivot, then bending up (leave some slack here for movement) and inside the fairing up to the top of tail piece (cable tie every 6-12"), i put one of the valves in the line just above the left foot hanger, cabletied aroud the thicker part of the frame below where the tailpiece sits (look at your bike you will understand). At the swinging arm end, use an extension pipe out of an aerosol can (held in with silicon sealant) bent to shape to make the pipe come into contact with the rear sprocket just above where the chain meets in on the lower half. under the seating unit fit your resevoir to the bike as well as another airline valve, this should be a small pot with lid, small hole drilled in one end to accomodate your airline, and a tiny hole in the top to let air in. (i used a pot of 3in1 oil which i mounted off the underbracket for the ignitor box on my L model, i'm going to move it though as i do not like the idea of oil getting anywhere near my rear tyre if a stone gets flicked off). Then open your two valves, i use the one down by the gear selector as an on/off valve and leave the one under the pillion seat as a flow regulator (although mine are slightly differently placed).
I'd set mine for a drip rate of around 2-3 drips a minute, it'll keep your chain lubed up well and costs a fraction of an official scottoiler.

I nicked the idea off of a honda (gasp) website, if you cannot understand how i worded things do not hesitate to ask, here is a link to the honda page, i'll post pictures next time im round the lockup and hope yours works as well as mine does.

Re: Scott-oiler for £6?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:14 pm
by gavinfdavies
broken link :(

interesting idea, but I'm looking at selling mine at some point once it's been put back to best condition, so I'll stick to the original since I don't trust myself.